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A blog about people and about how beautiful a country like Romania can be.
Un blog despre oameni si despre frumusetea unei tari pe care multi nu o cunosc-Romania.
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Sunt singut în pădure și vântul rece îmi provoacă din ce în ce mai multe dureri. Fug, dar nu stiu de ce. Am senzația că ceva este în ...
I am alone in the woods and the cold wind is making my body ache. I run but I don't know why. I feel that something is behind me ...
It comes a time when we have to take our jacket and see how we grew up. In a better or worse way, well that depends on everyone. But I do...
It is believed that any kind of relationship, even if we talk about friendship or a love relationship starts with a look. A simple look into...
Fall in love with the sunrise, because it's the thing that shows you have survived another day. Fall in love with the the sun, it helps...
We are in this room, where light barely can enter. We are not looking at each other. How could we? We are two people who were once so clo...
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Câteodată este ușor să îl identifici pentru că prezența lui umple camera și altă dată este atât de greu, pentru că nu vrea să fie văzu...
"It is quiet in the whole building. Maybe they are away or just sleeping. How could I know? I don't know all of them, just a fe...
There was a time when, no matter what others said, we had so much fun. We didn't care about consequences, about what was going to ha...
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- Cum vede o femeie un gentleman...
- “Lumea este o carte, iar cei ce nu călătoresc cite...
- Când te pierzi poți fi întotdeauna găsit...
- Partea a II a: Când gândurile mi-au evadat...
- Partea I: Unde se nasc întrebările...
- Dragule, îți pierzi memoria acum...
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