How to destroy a woman...

Sunday, March 23, 2014 0 Comments A+ a-

I killed her. I broke every bone in her body. I destroyed every memory, every feeling that she has ever had for me. I wanted to see her hurt, humiliated, calling for someone who was never there. She changed me. She was the only one capable of something like that. And because of this, I hated her. I hated to love the way she was calling my name, lighting her cigarette or just walking. She was never simple and I wasn't an angel. I was a monster craving for pain, for blood. I didn't want to feel. I wanted something and I got it, but then I wanted something else. I know I was selfish and cold, but the devil lives inside us, in our actions, in our eyes. I still can remember one of our conversations. She was sitting on the couch with a glass of wine in her hand and she was covered in the smoke coming out from from the cigarette.
- You know, I can actually understand your type, she said looking at me with some kind of superiority.
- So I am a "type". Interesting...But if you really do, this means you know what I am capable of, so why do you stay?
- Because I can. Again she had the same look in her green eyes.
- Then I can't wait to see how long it will last.
- You'd be surprised, my dear. I can't wait to unleash the demon inside.
- But maybe it will bite you.
- But then remember that I am poisoned. And she smoked again, smiling at me.
- Hmm...impressive. I would like to ask something. If you don't mind, of course...
- Darling, I am too young to actually care about those things. So ask! She was smart. Maybe that was what I liked. Some competition.
- Ok, then. Which is your favorite song?
- Sunglasses at night - Corey Hart, she said without thinking like she already knew the question.
- And your movie?
- Breakfast at Tiffany's.
- But you have some taste. Too bad it won't help you. She didn't say anything. She didn't even blink. You don't want to ask me anything?
- I have seen what I needed to. I already know enough.
- Your choice. But believe me, this will be the death of you.
- Better dead for something, than alive and still searching. She poured herself another glass of wine and went to the window. It was the begining of the end and she knew it. She was smart, beautiful, courageous. She loved all those conversations in which you made her realise how special you knew she was.
She seemed unbreakable, but my mind was too evil to stop right now. So I found the easiest and the cruelest way to break her: I started to treat her like an ordinary woman...