Part II: When my thoughts escaped me...

Suddenly I heard a guitar. As I was going further, I could hear it better. Down, on the street, a young man was singing. He had some coins and a bancnote in his hat. Seeing his clothes, old and dirty, you could realise that he lived on the streets, but the way he was singing it was sublime. The way his fingers were moving on the chords, how every sound was like a leaf which falls in the autumn and along with the others creates the perfect picture, the way he was living the melody, he was losing himself like he was on the biggest stage in this world and everybody was watching him. Maybe some people didn't understand, but he knew what meant to have such an amazing passion. Sometimes it looks impossible to accomplish and you give up and you hate that you wanted it and you hurted yourself, but then you realise that without that thing you can't actually live. And that I could see in that young man.
I gave him all the money I had. He needed it more than me. And the, without thinking, I sat down in front of him. And I closed my eyes. I forgot about everything and I felt the music. I had never felt so free and full of life, of love. The melody was over. It was something classic. He looked at me.
- Can you sing a spanish one? I asked. I have never heard one live.
He sang it and it was one of the most beautiful songs I had ever heard. I let it to guide me. I wasn't there anymore. I was in the country of passion, of flamenco. I was walking on the bohemian streets of Barcelona, admiring the architecture, and dancing with the girls in red dresses. It was the prefect place to escape. I had the best experience but the melody was over at some point.
- Do you know that I have never felt something like this? I asked the young man.
- I know. And I realised that something important is gonna happen and you are nervous. In those situation people are always looking for an escape.
- How did you realise?
- I meet a lot of people everyday and although they may seem different, we are all the same in the end. I find easy to read people.
- I don't do this for money. I do it for the people, for those lost creatures that don't know where to go. They forgot how important it is to stop, just for a second, and see the small things, listen to the music, live. I do this for the beauty that lives inside of us but we forget about it. I do it for people like you.
Then was a moment a silence. I knew he was right.
- But why? Nobody understands you.
- You did it. For a lot of times our work won't be appreciated, our ideas understood, our love shared, but if this makes you happy, what others say it is not important. We have to listen to our heart, but also take our mind and we will find answers where we saw only questions.
- But sometimes it is not so easy to choose.
- It is never easy, but at least we have a choice. We don't have only one road, there are plenty. It depends what we really want.
I was thinking how wise that young man was. He managed to win through music, through art. I stood up, ready to leave.
- Thank you for your generosity and because you listened.
- I have to thank you because you taught me an important lesson.
I made a few steps, but he stopped me.
- And so you know that no matter what it is, in the end everything will be ok. And then he started singing again. I listened for a few moments and the I left. There was still plenty of time. Something in me changed. I didn't know what. I saw a little shop still opened and I decided to enter. And here I realised which was the change...