Do you want to...?
It is believed that any kind of relationship, even if we talk about friendship or a love relationship starts with a look. A simple look into the eyes of the other will tell whether you like that person or not. But can you like that person right away and then, after even a long time realise that you don't longer have a connection with them anymore? Is it possible after knowing all of their secrets and doing so many things together to become even bored by their presence or see how you have changed and your interests are completely different? You are completely different.
Then you should imagine the other one asking you a few question:

Do you want me to take you out of your comfort zone and scare you so much that you don't know what to do, but you will find out? Do you want me to make you smile, cry, laugh and curse? All at the same time? Do you want to go camping and have the best time of our life? Do you want me to go out without telling you and then not speak for an entire week? Do you want to own a pet like it was our child and then argue because I should have taken it out, but I was too lazy to move from the couch that day? Do you want to go on a trip, just the two of us, sleep in motels or our car and then return when everybody was so scared that we got murdered and never come back? Do you want to build a house for birds and then see how empty it is during the winter? Do you want to dance in the living room and then make love in front of the fire place and fall asleep there? Do you want me to get so drunk and feel so sick that you get mad and start crying and I can't even raise my eyes from the toilet? Do you want to watch the sunrise on the beach and just lay there, without thinking about what tomorrow might have for us? Do you want me to make you feel so miserable that you pack your things and leave for a while? Do you want me to make you so gealous that you can't find me for days, no matter what you do and then just show up? Do you want to know my friends and not like them and suffer to see changing myself in front of them? Do you want to watch movies until the next day and feel so tired that we can't open our eyes? Do you want to go to the mountains, stay around a fire place and talk about our childhoods? Do you want me to bring you little gifts, when there is nothing to celebrate, but the air that we breath? Do you want to drink one of the best coffees of your life, in one of the coolest places that we will be to and call that our spot? Do you me to make you sad because I don't care what I do with my life and just f*** around? Do you want to see how much we changed and how different we are from each other that we can't be like we were before anymore? Do you want me to walk around the house naked? Do you want me to fall asleep in your lap, while you tell me stories? Do you want to be us against the entire world?Do you want to live like this is the last day of our lives? Do you want to carry around a camera and take pictures and then cry looking at them because we are not together anymore? Do you want to see us growing apart and eventually not speaking?

If your answer is yes to all of those questions, then you know you met the right person.